Chinese New Year 2009
It was fortunate that the height of the Chinese New Year celebrations were not spoiled by the onslaught of snow that hit London later that same night. The air was bitterly cold and it began to snow in sporadic sessions here and there, but it was not enough to cripple the celebrations as yet. Gerard St in London's Chinatown was packed with revellers, all with cameras at the ready. I never felt so less out of place with my camera in hand and it was more a question of who didn't have their camera than who did.
Here's a few pics of what went down that day:

Dragon's Beard candy in the making. It can be likened in texture to Fairy Floss (Cotton Candy) or Pashmak, a confection that is traditionally made using honey and rock sugar. There were two of these stalls demonstrating how apparently easy it was to make the candy. A little rolling, a little rubbing, then some pulling and a little slight of hand and there you have yourself some Dragon's Beard candy. It was like a magic trick. They were selling them for £3 per box.
A familiar sight at any Chinatown you go to are the ducks hanging from the restaurant windows inviting hungry passer-bys into the shop. Sweet buns were also selling fast.
It started snowing quite quickly, but disappeared as fast as it appeared. It later turned into the infamous snowfall that crippled London the next day.
As you can see, it was blaringly obvious everywhere you went what year it was on the Chinese zodiac, the year of the Ox. This man was getting really into character.
Everyone followed the beat of the drum and the dance of the dragon as it made its way through the streets and warded off evil spirits as it is fabled to do.
Stunning celebration!!
Awesome Photo's! hope you had an awesome New Year!
Looks good Jen. I was thinking of you when we were at the food growers market at the weekend. The weather here couldn't be any more different to the weather in London
This looks like great fun. And I would love to eat there on the street - my, it all looks so good!
Love the photos. Looks like a good time was had by all (except the clean-up guys).
Every year I tell myself I'm going to make it to a Chinese New Year celebration and every year I bail. It's too easy when it's so cold out but you images have me regretting my actions.
Happy belated Chinese New Year to you! :)
Sounds like a wonderful day. I'm longing to visit chinatown but never got there yet. All the stalls and the atmosphere sound amazing.
There seems to be a wide range of merchandise available there (much more than here). Great for photo opps! Hope you had a good time.
A wonderful account of a gorgeous celebration.
Brilliant Photo Story. Thanks for sharing such lovely pictures :-)
Looks like a grand party!
The Chinese New Year celebrations are pretty much alike where ever the Chinese live - London, New York or California - its all the same - fun and festivity in the air plus all the yummy food.
Very lovely! Makes me miss home even more!
such awesome shots!
I love all the red!
Ciao!!all you make is wonderful!!!
Compliments!! mmmmH "I don't speak english, but I follow you!"
Hello!!! all you make is meraviglioso!!
Wonderful photos. All the red looks stunning.
Wonderful photos!!!
The snapshots looks so i have once attended the chinese new year celebration at my friend's house. i like the noodles the most...uphere it is very hard to find chinese food products. my friend introducted me to a great resource and i thought that i pass great along as well.
the pictures you post are sooo beautiful!
Beautiful pictures! Very nice celebration...
it wasn't CNY but a couple of years ago the Sweet Dragon Beard guy had a woman guarding people from taking photos of him making the product. i think she was worried we were going to steal his secrets!
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magnifique ton blog et tes photos
O Blogger, where art thou?
Beautiful photos!
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Dragon beard cookies is nice! The man with the bull horn kinda funny!
Great reportage, thank you!
Hi Jen,
A while ago you have been nominated to Inspiring Food Photography poll and I would want also to give you Beautiful Blog award (replacement for IFP event):
If you agree place link or badge linking to the B B List somewhere on your site or mention it in the post and I will place your link on the list.
hi Jenn! it's been quite a while since ur last entry!. Hope everything is alrite in London! Take care- and sending fond thoughts!
An other article soon???
that looks like soooo much fun!!...hopefully one day ill be able to go to exotic places and celebrate things like that
I love those photos. I bet it was complete chaos with all of those people.
Looks like quite a celebration!
All pictures are awesome........Lovely party
Belated happy Chinese new year. All pictures are very colorful and awesome shot.
China is really a great country which has touched the heights in just 60 years of independence.
hi jen, long time since your last post. I sincerely hope that you're ok and you just have given up blogging!
Those were delightful photographs, very fun!
stunning pics...m a great foodie myself..cant wait to gorge on dis ASAP.. :)
That looks absolutely amazing.. so colorful, damn wish it was that big in Sydney :)
My blog =)
Great blog! How could I not read one called "milk and cookies" haha :) Seems like a wonderful celebration. Check out my blog if you wish - love finding new readers and sites! Cheers.
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