Wednesday, January 17, 2007

One Wedding and a Road Trip

So I promised to show you photos of my recent getaway, and a week later they are still a no-show. Well, you can finally inch yourselves away from the edge of your seats, sit back and watch this slideshow presentation of our vacation.


  1. JenJen -

    Lovely slideshow. I felt I was right there along side of you. Thanks for sharing!

    Anni :-)

  2. Great beaches, lovely wedding table. Liked the cows on the road, that's always fun. Oh and the waterfall, love waterfalls. Look like a great time. I'd love to do that ride.

  3. I would've been so upset if you didn't bring along all your friends like Coco!

  4. Anonymous3:22 am

    Beautiful slideshow!

  5. Anonymous7:22 am

    What a beautiful part of the world - thanks for sharing!

  6. Terrific photos - thanks for sharing them. I think you are brilliantly clever for managing to make them into a slideshow!

  7. great shots! next time, can I go too?

  8. Just Excellent!!!!!!!

  9. Anni- Thanks, no worries : )

    Mykitcheninhalfcups- I had an excellent time, thanks so much. The wedding, probably has to be one of the best I have ever been to.

    Wheresmymind- oh Cocoa will be there no matter what!

    Kristen- Thank you : )

    Tim- It is a beautiful part of the world and am so lucky to be able to visit it so often. No problem, it was my pleasure to share it with everyone.

    Red Dirt Mummy- Thank you, I just used a program called slideroll. It makes it very easy for those like me who don't know much about html code.

    Catherine- Sure, come along, you will have a blast!

    Squishy- Indeed it was!!

  10. Anonymous12:27 pm

    Wonderful pictures! I love out-of-town weddings :)
