Saturday, January 13, 2007

Back Home

Sitting by the pool

Hey everyone! I'm back home from my shortlived, yet rejuvinating vacation and am slowly finding way back into "normal" life. Goodbye sleep-ins, goodbye long walks on the beach, goodbye tan and say hello air-conditioned workplaces, 30-minute lunches and Sydney traffic. Isn't it just great to back from holidays?

Excuse that slight tinge of sarcasm in my tone, but it's just so hard easing back into routine after such a great holiday. The wedding we attented in Armidale was one to rival all weddings, we had an amazing time spent with friends and created some really treasured memories on the way. Here's just some of the photographs I took.

From the mountains...

Lookout at Walcha

to lush forests...

Waterfall Way

to picturesque beaches...


and coastal towns...

Coffs Harbour Marina

we covered them all,

Golf at Pacific Bay Resort

and not to mention a little bit of recreation in between.

It's been an amazing holiday, and I'll share more photos with you soon!

Mutton Bird Island


  1. Anonymous12:31 pm

    I love the falls! All the photos are wonderful!!

  2. gorgeous photos! looks like an awesome break. where's that last photo? I need to add it to my list of places to visit before I die.

    looking forward to more pics.

  3. WOw what a pretty pictures !!

  4. I know exactly what you mean! But there are always a few things to look forward to. Remember those plums I asked you about? Last weekend, I discovered them in Market City! They're absolutely gorgeous! Try it on yeast dough, as a cinnamon crumble or as a simple fruit compote. You won't regret it!

  5. BEAUTIFUL!! Welcome back to blog-land! :D

  6. Anonymous5:33 pm

    great photos.. and welcome back =D

  7. Hi, Jenjen!

    The places you visited are wonderful!

  8. Anonymous2:36 am

    Lovely pictures! I know how hard it is to ease back into "regular" life...especially work and traffic!

  9. Anonymous4:30 am

    Coming back from vacation is always hard! We're glad you are back though...and your pic's are great!

  10. wow, that looks incredible, you need to tell us the names of the places you visited, because I need to add them to my travel list. No wonder you have a hard time adjusting to city life, that looks very relaxing.

    By the way, I´ve just tagged you for a 6 weird food things about yourself meme.

    See the details here

  11. Anonymous10:50 am

    Oh, I love that first just feels refreshing.

  12. Welcome back!

    Love the photos....


  13. wow!! wonderful getaway seemed you had, jen!! good on you! but, i don't hate to say 'welcome back'. cheers!

  14. Tanna- Thanks, the views were truly stunning. It was a beautiful drive.

    Catherine- The last picture was taken on Muttonbird Island Reserve in Coffs Harbour. I seem to forget how much of a gorgeous place it really is.

    El Mundo De Largo- Thanks!!

    Eva- Yay! I'm so glad you found the plums. Don't you just love those unexpected foodie finds.

    Wheresmymind- I had a great time on my holiday although it is great to back in blog-land. I missed you all.

    And by the way, Cocoa did not end up getting a new monkey suit, although he has managed to get himself dirtier than ever. And there were some additions to the monkey menagerie!

    Swee- Thanks! Looks like you have had a sun-filled summer too. I love all your beach shots.

    Patricia Scarpin- Thanks, its sometimes easy to forget that these stunning locations are just at my doorstep. I guess it's so easy to take for granted the beautiful sights in your own country.

    Joey- Oh boy is it hard, I may need to start looking for a job that includes "laying on the beach" as one of its primary duties.

    Kristen- Yes, it's been hard having to cope with going back to work, especially when I am on the 7am morning shift straight away. Arrgh, I hate early starts!

    Marce- Thanks, when I get the chance to, I will write up a post about all the places we went to.

    And thanks for the meme. I'll try and get it done as soon as I can.

    Peabody- I have to admit, I love that photo too. It's just a glass of lemonade with some fruity ice. Works for me!

    Jasmine- Despite me missing my holidays, I am glad to be back in the blogosphere. Thanks.

    Arfi Binsted- Oh I feel so loved!! Thanks!

    Thank you everyone for all your welcome wishes. I had an awesome time away, but am glad to be back. I'll get around to baking something very soon, I promise.

  15. Anonymous8:24 am

    Welcome back - I am looking forward to reading of your food ideas and seeing more of your fabulous photos.
