Saturday, January 20, 2007

Slideshow Commentary

If you want some commentary with your slideshow, just click here.

Because I am so technically handicapped, I couldn't figure out how to put the captions in with the slideshow. So just click on the link above if you want to know more about the photographs.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your vacation with us. It's pretty wonderful to travel vicariously through others.

    Those purple flowers, we call "ice plants"here in Calif. But Muttonbirds, I've never heard of. The place is certainly prettier than the name!

  2. Anonymous7:45 am

    Loved the slide show, looks like it was a beautiful wedding! We also call those purple flowers ice plants, in CA, where I grew, they are planted around houses to prevent fires from spreading between residences (because there is so much water in the plants.)

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  3. Anonymous8:33 am

    Hi jenjen,

    Wow! Love the photos! I was thinking while browsing, why didn't i do my photos of Thailand this way? Why??? After hours of slaving, cropping, copying and pasting, i think i'll stick to it til next time. It's a shame i didn't come to visit you before i started my draft. I love the commentary bit. I'll have to think about it.


  4. Catherine- Thanks, it was my pleasure. I know what you mean about travelling thorugh others, I do it all the time and I guess that is the beauty of blogs. It gives us inspiration for future travel adventures.

    Ari- Wow, that is so interesting. And here I was thinking they were just some random flower in the rocks. How beautiful.

    Mae- It took me a while to think of doing a slideshow because I just had so many photos. Although when I came across the website, it made it much easier as it gives you steps on how exactly to put one together. I will definitely be using it again.
