Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I had never entertained the idea of creating my own blog, let alone one that is food related. However, after being an avid reader of many other great food blogs, and a growing interest in photography, I have been inspired to start my own.

So as you can see I am completely new to the wide world of blogging, I am an amateur in every sense of the word- in blogging, in cooking and in probably a lot of other things. So I must warn you all I am no culinary expert, I have no skills that would warrant some sort of esteem in any foodie sense but I'm interested in food and I do love to eat.


santos. said...

hiya! sorry, don't love chocolate, but do believe in the value of dogs, for whatever reason :)

you're on the list!

kestypes said...

Yay from me too. I'm a newbie blogger too, and am just loving it. Both doing my own, and reading other people's. Also love my puppies :)

Jen said...

Santos- What about a chocolate dog...? Anyway thanks for putting me on the list, I feel so special.

Helen- Thanks for making me so welcome. The food blogging community have got to be one of the nicest I have ever encountered!!

Kestypes- Yay for newbies!!! I just went to yours... wow im really looking forward to all the other food experiences you will write about.

Haalo said...

Yay for another Australian! You can never make too many cookies - Yum!

Anonymous said...

yay to number 4! come let's go shopping together and eat some pastries!

Jen said...

Ces- I second that!!

Bonnie said...

Hi Jenjen!

I tried to email you but it kept bouncing back :( I just wanted to say hi and thanks for linking me.. Your blog is gorgeous and adorned with beautiful photos...

Jen said...

Bonnie- its my pleasure, your blog is beautiful as well, it is now on my trail of blogs to visit.

Anonymous said...

hey jenjen, only discovered your blog through a comment you posted on mine... a warm and hearty welcome! not a mad dog lover myself, but i DO love monkeys! and chocolate, of course... johanna (www.thepassionatecook.com)

Anonymous said...

heya jen, thanks for stopping by my blog! i found another foodie! and i'm pretty new at this too. food is a universal language :) i'm adding u to my blogroll ... ciao for now

L Vanel said...

Being a bags, shoes and pastry woman myself who loves chocolate, I adore your blog! Great photos too!

Anonymous said...

Is it stalkerish to post twice in one session? Nevermind, just wanted to say that I'm already hooked on your blog, I'm also a chocolate fiend, love The Princess Bride, Garden State, Neverending Story (which my daughter now also loves) amongst others and everytime I go to Paris I eat my weight in pastry!

myriam said...

FINALLY! i found someone who loves pastries, shoes AND handbags, too. love your site, oh its so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I see your site a guidance to my own blog. i have only started today. i LOVE shoes and bags. Also, chocolate is one of my many true loves!
my site is a strange one but it's cute!
xxoo Dumb Blonde

P.S how do u get that cool font that u use for your heading and is there any more like that?
P.P.S You are in the latest issue of GF (with delta on the cover)
u r mentioned in the employee of the month section!!!!
Yes i do read girlfriend but i mostly read VOGUE.

French Fries Girls said...

I'm new to the world of blogging but loving it so far. Your blog makes the rest of us so called foodies jealous with your gorgeous photos and yummy recipes- I am such a fan and wait eagerly each week for your next post :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenjen,
I'm from Singapore. I like your blog very much. May I link you?

The Collective said...

Hello. I love schnitzel. Do you have good schnitzel recipe? Low fat schnitzels that taste good? My personal trainer give me good pumping if I do not cut down on schnitzel. You can see him give good pumping on my own blog if you want.

Anonymous said...

You're awesome, just had to put a link to yours on mine.

I'm at skinnychic.wordpress.com


ps: I'm from Melbourne and love London. :)

Kaleena said...

I love your website!
I have a cookie business that I do with my daughter in Phoenix, AZ!
Check us out! http://www.immakin.webs.com

Anonymous said...

Hello Jen,

I'm from Australia too (Perth WA) and love reading your blog.
You are such an inspiration! Not to mention that your photos are beautiful & amazing. Will definitely try your recipes for sure :)