Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Sweetest Name: Ciambelle Alla Nutella


Its name in Italian sounds so wistful, so refined- Ciambelle Alla Nutella; although when it is translated in English, loses all its tender and romantic sensibilities and becomes merely the Nutella Donut. So perhaps I shall continue to refer to it as “the ciambelle” to maintain its dignity as one of the sweetest of sweet offerings at Balmain café scene staple Bertoni Casalinga.

Bertoni received the honourable mention of being the editor’s pick for best café in Sydney by the SMH Good Food Guide in 2006, and I wouldn’t be surprised if these sugary treats had anything to do with such a tribute. I have yet to see these particular ciambelles on offer at any other Sydney café, and if they can be obtained elsewhere, I would love to know, as I would like to embark on an in-depth comparison study. Of course this would all be in the name of research and edible blogging for the purpose of benefiting other would-be donut tasters. If there are other ciambelles out there, I would like to make it my personal mission to find out for the people of Sydney, which one is the best, being the people’s blogger, I am more than willing to undertake this task, no matter how many sugar-coated, nutella-filled donuts it will take.

When I mentioned the ciambelle alla nutella in one of my
posts earlier this year, I did not expect such a response in regards to this donut. The post wasn’t even about the donut; I had just mentioned that I had been gorging on considerable amounts of it with a friend. But I could see through people’s comments and emails, that the ciambelle alla nutella had made its impression in both people’s imaginations and palates.

Ciambelle alla Nutella
Fluffy, filled and fresh; an un-toasted Ciambelle Alla Nutella

I guess the combination of two such salivatory, drool-inducing nouns in the foodie lexicon is enough to pique many people’s interests and appetite. Who has yet been able to resist the lure of the donut, let alone one dusted with sugar and filled with Nutella. Who knew that fried dough could have such an effect?

Well let me endeavour to describe to you what the ciambelle alla nutella is like. Just imagine a soft, airy donut, moist and covered in a coating of sugar granules, cut in half then spread with an ample lathering of Nutella spread. But wait, this is only one half of its pleasure.

Bertoni gives you the option of having the ciambelles fresh, un-toasted, or you can have them toasted, as they would recommend. Toasting brings about the other half of the pleasure of the nutella donut. Upon toasting, the heat caramelises the sugar coating rendering the outside crisp and crunchy, while causing the inside of the donut steam and soften, and the nutella melting.

Words are not enough to describe how good this combination of crunch and melt go so well together. And I guess you can discover its pleasures for yourself by going to Bertoni in the flesh, or perhaps if the round trip to Sydney is a little too pricey for your liking, then make one at home. All you need are some donuts, homemade or bought, a tub of Nutella spread and a sandwhich press and the same pleasures will be yours.

Ciambelle alla Nutella

Bertoni Casalinga
281 Darling St, Balmain 2041
Phone: (02) 9818 5845

Open 7 days


  1. Jen, everything in Italian sounds so much better! I love this and leave it to the Italians to make something for me to drool over. Brilliant.

  2. I have never had Nutella (ducks, runs and hides). But I really want it now. Wow.

  3. Anonymous12:18 am

    Since I will be nowhere near this shop (or the continent it's on) for the forseeable future, I now have a mission to try and make this at home!
    Thank you.

  4. You are so selfless! Searching out the perfect ciambelle alla Nutella, all for your readers. Thank you, in advance, just in case I ever make it to Sydney.

    Thanks for the drool-worthy post!

  5. Anonymous4:27 am

    Hi Jen - this sounds heavenly! I would definitely take mine toasted... Mmmm - melty Nutella!

  6. Anonymous6:06 am

    I love Nutella like every Italian and those ciambelle look really nice.

  7. Anonymous6:43 am

    Ciambelle Alla nutella... yes, English one sound quite dull indeed! Hahaha!

  8. Anonymous6:56 am

    it sounds like a bomb this ciambella alla nutella! :-) from Italy, elena

  9. Yum. It's so unfair that most English words for food are so...lacklustre. Ok, there are a few nice onces, but the French and Italian etc ones are so much better!

    And I think ANYTHING with Nutella is good. Seriously, I couldn't survive exams without a pot of Nutella!

  10. Hi Jen, I just stumbled upon your blog today and I love it! I have just recently (like last week) started my own and yours is very inspiring :) I am from Melbourne, living in the US, so I love reading about places and food in Australia. Thanks for making such a nice blog!! Brooke

  11. Anonymous2:07 am

    Nutella is by far one of the most indulgent and delicious treats around - and on this donut, it looks beyond appealing! If only I could skip work and head straight to the bakery!

  12. That has to one of the best pastries I have ever heard of. Lucky you for getting to eat this!

  13. Better late than never...I had this donut (and posted on it) just a few days ago. Your turn of phrase is more poetic than mine, so... "what Jen said"!'
