Monday, April 09, 2007

Good Living Pyrmont Grower's Market, April


This is the first time all year that I have been able to make the Good Living Pyrmont Grower's Market and of course it had to rain. The above picture pretty much describes the sad state of affairs at the markets; wet, grey and dreary. The seagull intently surveys the early morning market crowd, and really there was not much to it. There were the same stalls that are normally there and not many new ones. I think the weather just put a dampener on me, as I'm pretty enthused about going to the markets no matter how early, last Saturday I was just a big old grump.

The crowds understandably were a lot smaller, which for me a was quite advantageous, although the cold, wet weather made me keep asking myselfy why I got up so early when I could have still been in bed. Nonetheless, these hydrangeas provided the splash of colour that was very much needed to lift everyone's spirits.

Hydrangreas at the Markets
Pretty in pink and purple

Cheese at Formagi Ocello
One of my many token cheese shots from Formagi Ocello

A basket of apples
Roche Bros. pink lady apples

Pumpkin Loaves at La Tartine
Another token bread shot from La Tartine, I just love their pumpkin loaves.

Ladysmith Lamb Sign
This Ladysmith Lamb was obviously happy to be at the markets.

Free meat at Ladysmith Lamb
And when they are giving away free lamb, I would be smiling too.

Beatrice the Jack Russell
The markets aren't just a meeting place for people, it looks like this pooch has spotted someone she knows.

Hello there!
and the socialising begins...

Sunshine hits the markets
The sun did manage to come out briefly while I was watching this man cooking up breakfast.

Wet wet wet
although, the sunshine was shortlived and it was back to grey all round.

Dutch Carrots
Perfect bunches of baby carrots brighten up the morning.

and so does this sunny yellow daffodil.

Barrington Beef
Barrington Beef's finest offerings sell quickly.

Edmundi Smokehouse Griller
Working the grill at the Edmundi Smokehouse breakfast stall.

more cheese

The Crowd
This pretty much summed up the markets, wet, wet, wet.

And that's another month of the Grower's Market, hopefully next month, the weather and myself won't be quite as drab.


  1. I took one look at the weather and stayed home. And now I'm regretting it as I really could've used some creme fraiche on my pandesal this morning. :-)

  2. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Hiya Jen. I was there too on Saturday. We arrived early and the heavens opened and the rain poured down. There was a certain element of dexterity needed to handle the unberella and ALL those shopping bags but we managed it. THe Bacon & Eggs rolls tasted just as good in the rain.

  3. Lovely pictures! Thanks for the vicarious trip to the market. If only the web had scratch and sniff capabilities I could feel like I was there.

  4. markets are my favorite places to be! i think i get more excited about them than just about anything. i adore these photographs! hope u had a wonderful easter!

  5. Gosh, I think that was a terrific market and fabulous pictures from you. I enjoy all the action at markets behind the stalls and out front!

  6. Anonymous11:39 pm

    I remember I used to hate to go to food market: wet and stink everywhere! But nowadays, I change my point of view. I realise that food market is the place to get fresh, good quality and locally produce food. Unfortunately, there is no such market nearby my home, so I have to get the food from supermarkets...

  7. I adore green markets. Yours looks beautiful. I'm so happy they've started selling spring-like flowers and things at my local market (though it doesn't much feel like spring outside yet!)

    Better luck with the weather next time...

  8. Anonymous10:42 pm

    Hello from London!
    I was looking for a blog about milk to link through to and yours came up first on Google - congratulations! I love what I've read so far, some great recipes to try out! Hope you don't mind me linking in from my blog, it's a very tenuous link but makes sense to me!

  9. Such beautiful photos. I might have to get there.

  10. Anonymous6:34 pm

    Any day I feel gloomy or flat, all I have to do is head to Queen Victoria Markets here in Melbourne and it immediately makes me feel giddy with excitement ... and I bet the farmers there weren't complaining about the rain!

  11. Pretty shots you take! The poochies looked so adorable!

  12. Hi Jen, Keep up the fabulous work lovely. I enjoy every moment. Cheers Amelita

  13. Anonymous10:50 pm

    Oh my.. I wanted to go too... well actually I was around the area and it started to POUR so heavily. so me and my friend gotta hide somewhere, and in the end we headed to fish market..
