Sunday, October 08, 2006

Good Living Pyrmont Grower's Market


Foodies were out in full force last Saturday morning for the monthly Pyrmont Grower's Market. Sleepy eyed and a little sluggish, G and I made our way to the markets and found it in a flurry of activity. Normally around 8am, the markets are just beginning to wind up, however today it was bursting at the seams with eager shoppers- carry bags on hand and puppy dogs in tow. The sunny open-market atmosphere was at its most idyllic and it appears that open markets usually lend to more harmonious and amicable crowds. It must be all the fresh air and the lack of walls; if ever they were to put a wall around these markets, I assure you the crowd will turn hostile. I am usually deterred by having to navigate through large throngs of ravenous shoppers, but it seems that the Grower's Market is one that I can contend with.

I am not sure if it had anything to do with the fact that it is
Good Food Month and Joanna Saville and Justin North were lurking about conducting food demonstrations, but it appeared that every man/woman and his/her dog were at the markets. I did manage to bump into Swee minutes after arriving and I’m sure if I knew what all the other Sydney food bloggers looked like I would have bumped into them too.

G Carrying some of the loot.

Having G, my trusted market assistant there to carry my bags was a great relief. Not only was I able to buy a gaggle of wares that I didn’t have to carry but I could also snap away to my heart’s content. And snap away, I did! I managed to fill up my memory card to its capacity. I did however whittle down the surfeit of photographs to about forty decent ones. Here are a few, of the many I snapped. Perhaps I may do a second or even third part to this post as I always feel the need to share every photo I take. I now know that I would make the worst editor, culling is just not my forte.

Wheels of cheese from Simon Johnson

Sizzling eggs and bacon

Sunny yellow Pumpkin loaves from La Tartine


The most succulent lamb patties from Ladysmith Lamb

Pukara Estate limited release Ruby Red Grapefruit Olive Oil

Gympie Farm's luxurious cultured butter

Willowbrae Cheese stall

Jam, Jams and more jams

Zuccherati from Formagi Ocello

nteresting looking cheese from Formagi Ocello

The line for c
offee at Toby's Estate


The crowds

More pics to come next time...

For more Good Food Month updates, go here.


  1. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Wonderful pictures - that one of the zuccherati with the oozing filling is making me particularly hungry!

  2. I have a trusted market assistant too! Unfortunately I don't have a picture to share of my husband carrying our bags while I shopped and shot pictures at the Chicago farmer's market.
    Aren't they so good to us?
    We should do a food blogger survey to see how many us of went to the market this weekend and had boys who carried our loot for us.
    Just kidding,we shouldn't do that, that's kind of nerdy.

    P.S. What is that delicious looking pastry called zuccherati? I want it in my mouth right this instant!

  3. I picked up some of those lamb patties - they're so yummy!

  4. Anonymous6:40 pm

    I want to go to the market now just for some of those Zuccherati my mouth is watering just looking at them. Great Pictures.

  5. Anonymous8:41 pm

    Lovely photos. I like the look of all those jams with their colourful labels :)

  6. Ellie- Thanks, oh the zuccherati is decadently goood. There is nothing like it.

    Erielle- it's great having a market assistant isn't it? We are definitely lucky to be able to have our hands free to pick up all the samples we want and shoot as many photos as possible.

    Zuccherati is a sweet ricotta filled donut. It's very, very good.

    Helen- Thanks, it wasn't hard as there were so many people there I couldn't avoid not having them in shots! They made for great photos though.

    I was wondering what that cheese was although the stall was so busy I didn't get a chance to ask the man. Wow and very expensive too.

    Reb- those lamb patties are so juicy I absolutely love them and because they are so fresh they taste even better!

    James- oh yes, the zuccherati is one of the best things about this market. They are so fresh too.

    Y- I loved the jams as well the colours were so vibrant I couldn't help taking photos of them.

  7. Beautiful day at the market again....wonderful selections you have!

  8. And yes, those lamb patties are the best! I buy a pack every time.
