Saturday, August 05, 2006

Good Living Pyrmont Grower's Market


Ominous grey clouds draped the usually sunny blue skies of Sydney and the dreary appearance of the morning was enough to make most market attendees recant their commitment. Even with the looming possibility of rain, the steadfastness of market-goers did not wane. A short episode of rain did cause people to scatter and seek shelter but soon after the rain disappeared most punters were back traipsing up and down Pyrmont Bay Park.

Good Living Pyrmont Growers Market

The ground was more than a little damp but there is little that will keep these foodies away from a good marketplace, especially when it’s the monthly Good Living Pyrmont Grower’s Market. Most of the usual stands regular market-goers have become acquainted with were present and it was nice to see the popularity of these vendors continue. However, one new stall that caught my eye was the Rosy Reds Orange stand which was revelling in its newfound popularity. Many were attracted to this citrus’ juicy bright red appearance and equally fascinated by the sign that clearly stated they were "not blood oranges" but actually a variant of the navel orange. Being the citrus-fruit groupie that I was, I made haste for the stall to see what all the fuss was about and to of course, have a taste. The oranges were deceptively sweet and not as acidic as conventional navel oranges. They are a pleasant and agreeable fruit and upon tasting, I decided to buy a kilo bag.

Unfortunately not many photos were taken at the markets. My over-eagerness to shop and spot bargains hampered any plans for making things blogging-friendly. Carrying an SLR camera, a handbag and two full shopping bags was all too cumbersome and sadly I chose to forfeit photo-taking. Next time I shall bring my assistant G, to carry some of my purchases.

Good Living Pyrmont Growers Market
Roche Bros apple stand



Here is some of the loot I came home with. I say 'some', because a few items were eaten on the traverse home.

Olive and Rosemary Flatbread from Consummate
Olive and Rosemary flatbread from Consummate

Berry Jam and Mascarpone Tart from Consummate
Berry Jam and Mascarpone Tart from Consummate

Rosy Red Oranges
Rosy Red Oranges; not a blood orange but a red-fleshed premium navel orange.

Honey comb
Fresh Leatherwood Honeycomb from Australian Honey Cellars

Honey comb

Muesli Cookie and Maple Pecan Shortbread from Whisk and PIn
Muesli cookie and a Maple and Pecan Shortbread from
Whisk and Pin.

The Loot from Pyrmont Growers Market

The remaining loot, which also includes a tub of ricotta from Formaggi Ocello.
The Plan: to make Bill Granger’s Ricotta Hotcakes with Honeycomb sugar.

Good Living Pyrmont Growers' Market
(every first Saturday of the month, except January)
Location: Pyrmont Bay Park
From: 7am - 11am
Phone: (02) 9282 3606

Remaining Dates for 2006:
September 2, October 7, November 4, December 2

Previous posts: June 2006 Good Living Pyrmont Growers Market


  1. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Hurrah for good food shopping - I love the look of that Berry Jam and Mascarpone Tart!

    Sorry to hear about the poorly weekend weather...but I have to admit that when I saw the forecast for this weekend I giggled, as Melbourne had a gloriously sunny and almost warm weekend, very much out of the ordinary ;) Looks like we swapped weather for the weekend!

  2. Anonymous11:51 pm

    The bread is so lovely but it all looks amazing! I really need to the drive to the markets. You are really fortunate to have such booty!

  3. Hi JenJen,

    Looks wonderful and I was just reading about leatherwood honey in Gourmet.

  4. Anonymous1:45 am

    that honeycomb is the coolest! looks like awonderful market.

  5. Anonymous2:46 am

    Thanks for a great post and all the lovely photos...the flowers are amazing! G

  6. Nice flowers... and look at those honey cellars.

  7. Ellie- the tart was awesome, I love mascarpone cheese. The weather did fine up eventually, but it's great to hear you had great weather down in Melb!

    Tanna- indeed, we are pretty fortunate to have a plethora of markets here in Sydney. There is one pretty much every weekend somewhere in Sydney.

    Catherine- this is actually the first time I have encountered Leatherwood Honey. It's quite a different experience altogether.

    Aria- It definitely has a very unique taste and smell : ) Look out for it in future posts.

    Geraldine- thanks, I had so many photos of the flowers I had a hard time choosing.

    Orchidea- yes it was wonderful!

    Helen- oh you are a faithful market afficionado, you deserve your sleep in.
    Thanks for that info about rosy reds I am just aboue to do some more research on them myself. They are my new fave citrus!

    Melissa- gretings and hugs to you too : )

  8. Anonymous11:18 pm

    Jenjen, everything looks lovely there!

  9. You take such lovely photos!

    Open air markets are great--I love talking to the people and the stall-keepers...


  10. I've never been to this market, but will try to go next month. Look like it is a wonderfull place to buy fresh food!!! I want to bite that tart!!!

  11. I love the last photos of all your items, especially the mascarpone tart missing a bite!

  12. Cin- that description you provided sounded pretty spot on. It probably was me. Well I hope to see you next time.

  13. Anonymous1:40 am

    It does my heart good to see all of the fond comments about my fathers honey and honeycomb. I just adore your photography of his products am I allowed to offer you free honey in exchange for more photos of his products for the website I am building for him.
