Friday, January 25, 2008

Shameless Self-Promotion


Since when did self promotion become so shameless? I don't know, but if reading this is making you cringe, don't worry, I feel the same way and that feeling grows at an exponential rate while I'm writing this. Although for some reason I still cannot get my fingers to stop typing. Perhaps that is why self promotion is so shameless, it's a guilty pleasure; its blatant and immodest, yet it's so easy to yield to it's beguiling temptation.

So what am I promoting? Well, this blog. I woke up this morning to realise that I was one of the finalists for the 2008 Bloggies in the Best Australian or New Zealand Weblog category. Unbeknownst to me someone out there nominated this blog and to my surprise it is now one of the finalists. Who would have thought? I had never even heard of the Bloggies before and to realise it had been going on since 2001, I feel so ill-informed about my own medium.

So I just wanted to say THANK YOU to whoever it was who nominated me for the Bloggies, you can choose to remain anonymous if you want as there is no reward for you in coming forward other than getting a showering of gratitude from me for thinking of this little blog. But while we're dwelling on thankfulness and appreciation, I might as well point out that you too can vote for me by going to their website.


So that it's not all about me, there are also a number of other great blogs, some of them Ausralian, up for a Bloggy, so why don't you go and vote for them too. Voting closes at 10:00pm EST, Thursday, January 31 and the results will be posted on their website Monday, March 10.


  1. oo! Congratulations.

    The links doesn't seem to be working?

  2. Daphne- Hey thanks for pointing that out, it should be fixed now.

  3. You are shameless. Good luck and congratulations.

  4. Congrats!!! Well deserved as well!

  5. wow, congrats congrats! it's great to see that for the first time, foodblogs feature quite heavily in the bloggy noms. your blog is utterly deserving - you put so much work into your cooking, photos and well-worded text. best of luck :)

  6. Wow, huge congrats! I just voted for good luck!

  7. Ed- haha aren't I just. Thanks for the plug on your blog.

    Bellini Valli- Thank you very much.

    Helen- Thanks so much. It was definitely nice to see so many food blogs being nominated. Yay for us!

    Aimee- Thanks for the vote!!
