Monday, July 02, 2007

Gone Shopping...

Shopping LIst

You might be asking, why the influx of posts in the last few hours? Well the answer is that I won't be posting on the blog for a whole week. And this time, it's not just neglect but I am actually going to be away, so I thought that I would leave you with a few extra things to look at and muse over. I feel like this blog is my kid, so I feel the inclination that I should leave it an appropriate amount of rations while I'm gone. It must be that maternal instinct kicking in.

I will be at a conference for a whole week and thus will be away from my laptop, my kitchen and that seemingly endless supply of sugar and butter. I might be able to sneak a peek or two at the blog, probably only short enough to read your comments and put them up. But during the week i'll try to secure myself a short pocket of time where I can make a quick detour to the supermarket and replenish my dwindling pantry. And soon enough there should be a new array of goodies for you to chew on.

For now, let me take you down memory lane and see what sweet (and some savoury) provisions i have made for
Milk and Cookies so far. Hope you enjoy! And if it's any consolation I will be missing all of you terribly while i'm away.

Best of the Blog

From left to right, top to bottom:
1. Vanilla Cupcakes
2. Pumpkin and Sage Ravioli
3. Chocolate Espresso and Mascarpone Tart
4. Carrot Cake Cookies
5. Asparagus and Parmesan Cigars
6. Chocolate and Clementine Cake
7. Chocolate Delights
8. Marsala Souffle
9. Cinnamon Snails

Coming soon on Milk and Cookies... something with Wattleseed!


  1. such neat writing!

  2. NO FAIR!!! A whole week???

    And you would choose the week that I am on short notice to go to Sydeny too :P

    Oh well, I suppose that I will just have to try and be in Sydney after working hours then....

    Enjoy all those walks down the classroom memory lane :)

  3. Sigh - everything you make (or at least everything you post on your blog) is so beautiful! I'll miss you while you're gone!

  4. Lovely handwriting AND photos! I have some catching up to do around here since I've found your blog. Hvae a safe trip!

  5. Bon voyage! Thanks for the drool-worth pictures. Isn't it fun to look back sometimes at what you've made?

  6. Anonymous10:19 pm

    I got here through Amelita page and I'm amazed with your photos and the whole blog! I'm a little bit jealous, too ;)
    Greetings from London,

  7. Anonymous2:40 pm

    The food looks so scrumptious. A gastro-porn fest!

  8. Make sure to bring your special Monkay with you for pix!!

  9. Hi there! You've been tagged! Check out my blog to find out more! :)

  10. I just found your blog while searching for madeleine recipes. Love your recipes and pictures! Have a nice weekend!

  11. Anonymous11:57 pm

    Thanks for putting the collection together. Now that I have a bit of a road map I won't get lost - your photos are so fabulous, I'm sure it might be easy to get lost in them!

    Feel better.
