Saturday, June 09, 2007

At Last...


It’s Thursday morning; I hear the pitter-patter of raindrops against my bedroom window. It’s been a long time coming, but finally Sydney and pressumably the rest of the state receives a serious drenching that it has been waiting a long time for. I don’t think it’s safe to say that the drought has been lifted but it certainly was nice to see some moisture descending upon this dry state. I know I have never been happier to see a thick blanket of grey and a continual downpour, and I am sure many farmers were ecstatic too.

No sooner than when I said that the winter weather has been “unusually clement” that we get a beating of gale force winds and heavy rains, let’s just say the weather turned inclement all of a sudden. I guess we all wanted it to rain, but the weather has been out of control. I know I’ll be spending my weekend curled up in a ball at home but I really don’t mind.

* * * * *

Honey Breakfast

On a sweeter topic, you have heard me harping on it before and here I am doing it again. If you regularly attend the Good Living Grower’s Market, then you will probably be familiar with Australian Honey Cellars, and if you have been reading this blog for some time, then you might be familiar with my posts about Tasmanian Leatherwood honey here and here. Well the good news is that the honey people have launched a new online store, which means you can now buy their gourmand selection of Australian honeys online. Great if you can't leave the house because of the wild weather.

To finish this off, here is a gratuitous shot of some honey on toast to subliminally goad you into checking out the site.

Honey On Toast


  1. I just bought some honey from our local farmer's market, and your picture of toast with honey makes me want to get mine out right now!
    Enjoy your rainy day!

  2. So allow me to see if I understand the sequence here....

    You say thats its "unusually clement" and we get rain. You say its "suddenly inclement" and the Eastern seaboard of Australia gets terrible storms and Newcastle is declared a natural disaster zone... Pray tell what happens when you say theres a storm brewing?

    Sorry I just couldn't help that analogy.

    Beautiful photography as always.

  3. Hey Honey, hope you enjoy your weekend staying high and dry at home.

  4. U-huh, thank goodness for the rain alright. Love your pic of the honeyed toast, Jenjen! YUM!

  5. Anonymous3:33 am

    oh what i would do for heavy rains and winds right now! its been the driest year here in california too and its not supposed to rain all summer, sniff.

    these pictures are beauiful!

  6. hi, you've got a very pretty site.
    i like pooh's goo the best. it's a dark bittersweet honey, (although more on the sweet side than bitter), absolutely perfect.


  7. Jen, I see some sunshine breaking through right now - hurray! The rain clouds are going away (even though I know that all that rain we got was good for the farmers). I have a wedding at the Opera House today and I was hoping that it wouldn't rain). p/s: i love honey, esp. bluegum(i think it's made from eucalytus trees).

  8. Anonymous10:55 pm

    reading and seeing your photos made me want to go back to bed right now! i was up so early on a sunday and your post reminds me of rainy days in Manila! hahaha!

  9. Anonymous12:06 am

    oh, I just hope though that you will get more rain get away from this drought. Lovely tartine to keep you inside and enjoy

  10. Anonymous2:36 am

    Mmm... simple little morning breakfast - I love it. I also have honey lemon hot drink every single night and hope that my throat would not be dry...

    Enjoy the winter and the rain... at least you found something nice to live through this weather.

  11. Anonymous4:02 pm

    No worries down south,wet wet wet.
    Plenty of of happy farmers, lots of local produce at reasonable price. However still getting used to bananas at $1.99. Keep warm

  12. Fantastic toast & honey photo! Can almost taste it.

  13. Should've made honay butter! :D

  14. I love that drizzled honey picture!

  15. hey! this is just to say that i love your blog! i discovered it last night and stayed up late looking at all of your recipies! i even opened a blogging account so that i could vote for you in the blogger awards ;)
    your recipies are so creative and fun and the pictures are gorgeous! thanx!!
