Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sydneyscapes III: The Rocks- Markets, Artisans and Textures


Today the long awaited rain clouds descend upon Sydney. So I look back at my photos of the last weekend just to remember that it wasn't too long go when the sun was out and we enjoyed its warmth.

More photgraphs from Sydney's Rocks District, its colours, its textures and its spirit. Most of these shots are from the weekend markets.

The Puppet Maker

The Rocks Markets

Down to the Puppet Maker

Post Box

Fresh Corn



Bear says Hello


  1. Thanks for all the nice pictures! Sydney looks like a wonderful place to visit...

  2. Anonymous1:19 am

    Those are amazing pictures. You really have a good eye for these pictures.
    I mean if I had been at the places and seen the things in reality , I wouldnt be able to know that these would look so good in the pictures.
    Really good.
    author of Hoodia Reviews

  3. The world needs more puppet makers!

  4. Anonymous7:51 am

    Thank you for posting all these wonderful pictures of Sydney. I spent a year in Australia about 4 years ago and the last few days of my journey were spent browsing through the Rocks' market, trying to find souvenirs to bring back.
    Your pictures bring back lovely memories, thank you!

  5. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Great photos Jen, we spent some interesting times wandering around these places wondering which direction we should walk in next... Also glad there's not a harbour bridge or opera house in sight ! :)

  6. Awesome pictures. My brother-in-law and girlfriend live in Sydney. Might have to get you to frame something for them as a housewarming gift!!

    Keep taking them you clever girl. I love them.

