Sunday, May 20, 2007

Northside Produce Markets, Miller St

Lavender bunches

I don’t normally go to the Northside Produce Markets, simply because I never wake up early enough to get to t
hem. And besides the drive to get to these markets is the same route I take to get to work and it just pains me to go even remotely that way on my days off. I like to stay as far away as I can from the vicinity of my workplace whenever possible.

Anyway, I did happen to be at these markets as I was picking up some product for some photography work I am doing and managed to get some snaps of the place while I was at it. The sun was out and the morning was just starting to warm up. I quickly unravel the scarf around my neck, take off my jacket and eagerly snap away.

I have to say though, that these markets are a lot harder to manoeuvre around than the Pyrmont ones. The thoroughfares are a lot narrower and it seems that the newest accessory around is a stroller. I don’t mind prams at all, although I do mind mothers that feel they have the right to bulldoze anyone and anything in their way. Just a thought I had when I copped a few rammings to the back of my ankle with a stroller the size of a small car. Intent on getting past me, she just thought the most effective way of doing it was to run me over. But not to worry, there were prettier things to occupy yourself with at these markets than the occasional rouge pram pusher, and here they are.

La <span class= Green Olives
La Tartine organic sourdough baguettes; fresh green olives

Morning Markets

Colourful Toby's Estate
A colourful bouquet of Australian native flowers; a barista at work

Floating Life

Radishes Blood Limes
Bunches of radishes at Grima Farms; native Blood Limes

Shepherd's Bakehouse Breads Rhubarb
Shepherd's Bakehouse sourdoughs; a stack of rhubarb

<span class=
Unopened lilies, waiting for the sun

Herbal Teas
Herbal teas and aromatherapy

Fountain Red
Fountain; I love red phone booths

Northside Produce Markets

Where: Miller St, North Sydney (between Ridge and McClaren Streets)
When: 8am-12noon; every 3rd Saturday of the month
Free Parking available in Ridge St Car Park

Next markets: 16th June, 2007


  1. Anonymous9:08 am

    Gorgeous pics! My mom likes going to these markets but like you, I usually don't get up early enough to make it to them.

  2. Whew! Stunning shots! And I though Montreal markets were amazing...Those blood limes look interesting, never heard of them. Are they sweeter than the regular lime?

  3. Anonymous10:25 am

    I've never been to these markets. I'll have to try them out some time (and I'll remember to bring my shin pads for the prams)

  4. I adore your photos and the market looks absolutely beautiful. Isn't it great when you've got a good start on the day and the light is coming in just right. I'm sorry you got slammed with a pram. The pram pushers are international. You have my sympathy.

  5. What a beautiful post! I have to ask, how did you learn to take such wonderful photos?

  6. Lovely photos. You have such a good eye! I enjoy the virtual tour of the market from the comfort of my computer desk with no ramming prams. Thanks!

  7. Anonymous12:33 am

    Lovely photos, jenjen. I've never seen blood limes before and their colours are great.

    I love going to markets but we lack of them here, unfortunately. We have farm shops and that's all about it, really.

  8. Anonymous12:36 am

    Lovely market. I wish there is more markets like that here at where I live. Thanks for leaving a msg on my blog the other day... :)

  9. Nice shots! I'm actually going to finally make it to the Pyrmont growers' market for the first time this year next Sat.

  10. I'm really loving following you on your walks through Sidney. It's so beautiful.

  11. Y- Yes, it's such a bummer that all these markets start so early because I am just not a morning person. Although I guess if you miss out on the early ones, there are the Farmer's Markets at the Entertainment Quarter that go till 4pm.

    Aimee- To be honest, I never tasted the blood limes, there was a whole line of people waiting to taste them and I just managed to squeeze in for a photo very quickly. I am very keen on going back to have a taste though.

    Audrey- Yes, it seems that shin pads will be an essential accessory as those prams can be lethal. But you will definitely enjoy these markets regardless.

    L Vanel- Thank You. It is nice to have an early start to the day even though it takes me all my might to pull myself out of bed. I guess it is worth it in the end.

    Truffle- Thanks, but to be honest, I have no formal training, and it sometimes shows. I taught myself and still have a long ways to go. Just keep your eye out for interesting things, that's the only advice I would probably offer.

    Cookie Baker Lynn- I'm glad you are enjoying the photos. It's sometimes a lot safer to enoy them from home, especially with those crazy prams!

    Mae- Oh how I would love to visit Jersey Is. I'm sure your farm shops would be as interesting as these markets. I never got to taste the blood limes unfortunately but they have piqued my interest and I am definitely looking them up next time.

    Windy- There never used to be this array of markets in Sydney, although there has been a little bit of an explosion ever since food has become the new trendy thing.

    Nora B.- Unfortunately I can't make the next Pyrmont markets as I have to work. I will have to go and check out your blog for photos.

    Village Vegan- I'm glad you are enjoying them. I am never sure whether people like the Sydney tours or they just find them old and boring.

  12. Anonymous10:30 am

    I used to be anti-pram. I was leading a push to have them banned at the Vic Markets.

    Now I ram with the best of them.

    Nice pics.

  13. wow. you should really consider the jealousy factor over here, you know. I can feel myself growing very green right now.

  14. Anonymous8:17 pm

    I enjoyed walking in this market with you JenJen. I can feel the sun there!

  15. Hi Jenjen, another beautiful post and photos! I too love going to the markets, especially for my weekly supply of fresh flowers. I hardly do much fruit and Veg shopping though because of the long,long queues. Besides, I would already have done all the food shopping during the week. What I do enjoy is sitting down with a good mocha and munching on a fresh -out-of the-oven almond croissant as I watch the hustle and bustle around me. Nice!

  16. If only we had blog smell-o-vision! Beautiful photos helped me experience your market from here in Hampton Roads!

  17. Anonymous11:08 pm

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures! I enjoy markets a lot exploring them :)

  18. Anonymous1:27 am

    beautifull pictures jenjen, those blood limes are so neat! looks like a wonderful day at the marlket :)
