Saturday, May 05, 2007

Good Living Pyrmont Grower's Market: May

Birds of Paradise

I am very aware of the fact that Sydney is in dire need of some rain, although I must admit I was quite elated to wake up this morning to find the sun had shed it’s cloudy coat and decide to put on a show. Aside from the Sahara, I believe that Sydney is the only other place you will find the sun at full pelt at 8 in the morning. And I am now convinced that we are living directly under that notorious hole in the ozone layer, the one that scientists are claiming will set off the demise of this earth into a burning ball of flame. Okay, perhaps I shouldn’t be so theatrical, but the sun in our nook of the globe is unusually fierce and when caught off guard, it could turn you into the dreaded lobster, red all over.

Not that the sun’s presence was any reason to complain, I was milking this great weather for all I could. But I do hope that the weather brings rain in the coming weeks as that our drought situation has become so desperate that most crops are under threat. But seeing the sun does bring some good cheer and comes with it that extra motivation to get out of bed and head to the markets. And so another month brings the Pyrmont Good Living Markets.

The usual suspects were present plus a couple of newcomers, but it was mainly the familiar crew. Like every month I go to the markets, I take my token shots of cheese and vegies, I just think they are so photogenic and whenever I see a wheel of cheese or a bunch of beets, I just know they are begging to be shot. But with every month not only comes the familiar but also new things to discover and take photos of. So here are a few snaps of the familiar and the fresh.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't it just a gorgeous day! I was a bit disappointed not to find mushrooms and there were no gingerbread men for the toddler, but I snagged some creme fraiche and Belgian truffles, so I was pretty pleased with myself. *lol*
