Wednesday, February 14, 2007

First Time With Soufflés

Marsala Souffle

If there were ever a desert that could be described as the most theatrical, I think the soufflé would be an earnest contender. No sooner than when they emerge from the oven, all proud and puffed up that they turn into something completely different. Their dramatic exit from the oven is punctuated more so by their dramatic deflation. All in one act they go from gloriously risen to depressingly deflated; the soufflé is a culinary thespian if there ever was one.

Seasoned “soufflérs” are probably hardened to the melodrama of making soufflés. All that business of whisking and delicately folding the egg whites into the mixture, then all your work is undone the moment they come out form the oven. I didn't know how to take it at first, it was my very first time making soufflés and I truly thought that all my work would last at least more than just a brief moment. Luckily, although most of the soufflé’s puff is lost in the first few minutes, its taste is not lost.

Marsala Souffle from above

They say that you should never judge a book by its cover, and rightly so, I probably would have never read or bought plenty of books if I had based my judgements on such things. Although one habit I cannot shake off is to judge a cookbook by its deserts. I am pretty hopeless with main meals and to be honest all I can really make are deserts so when I get a cookbook, I usually skip all the other chapters and head straight to the end where the sweet stuff is. And so far, this method has been a good gauge.

I adapted this recipe from Aria chef Matt Moran’s new cookbook, which I bought simply on the basis of seeing his Grand Marnier soufflé recipe. His soufflés were fortunate enough to be baked in gorgeous shiny individual copper pots that afforded his soufflés the most magnificent of rises. The soufflés were quite a sight to behold and I have to admit there was little bit of kitchen paraphernalia envy when I came across those copper pots.


Seeing that I could only revel in the thrill off the risen soufflé for but a moment, I wanted to know what vessel could produce the best rise. I didn’t have pretty copper pots to play with so I had to settle for what I had and conducted the experiment using ramekins, dariole moulds and ceramic espresso cups.

The verdict, well, the dariole moulds produced the most even rise while cooking beautifully all the way through. The espresso cups produced the highest rise; although the higher the rise, the more haphazard the fall, so some soufflés collapsed unevenly and cracked at the side. The espresso cups were also the thickest of all the dishes, so the batter failed to cook completely through leaving the bottom half quite soggy. Lastly, the ramekins produced the smallest rise, although rose evenly and did manage to cook all the way through.

So I would say that I got the best results using the metal dariole moulds, I estimate that they were probably the most even conductor of heat and therefore produced the best and most level rise and cooking all the soufflés all way through.


Being my first venture into the realm of soufflé making, the enterprise was met with some trepidation. All those steps, all that whisking and of course the glaring possibility of failure, what if my soufflé doesn’t rise? I guess that is the question every virgin soufflé maker must ask. And it is not that this fear is unfounded, you always hear and are forewarned about the things you must do to make your soufflés lift and unless these things are adhered to, then, what becomes is a failure. You’re frightened off even before you get the chance to attempt the recipe.

Luckily for Moran, he never cautions you about how your soufflé may not rise, all he says is that they are dead easy to make and he has been making this same recipe since he was an apprentice chef. Now this chimes with much more optimism and is exactly what the novice wants to hear. If an apprentice chef can make it then so should I be able to.

And so I went on to embark on this process and I have to say that it was not as terrifying as some of those cookbooks make it out to be. The operation was a success and after consuming several soufflés later, I was ready for another round of baking.


With these soufflés, rather than using orange flavourings like Grand Marnier as Moran did in the cookbook, I opted for using a coffee flavoured base. I infused the custard with coffee and Marsala, a fortified wine that is commonly placed in desserts like Tiramisu and Zabaglione. What results is a soufflé that tastes a lot like Tiramisu. Here is the recipe.

Coffee and Marsala Soufflé
adapted from this cookbook

Marsala Souffle in a dariole mould

25g cornflour
15g plain all-purpose flour
135ml milk
3 egg yolks
½ tbsp instant espresso
50g caster sugar
50ml Marsala
butter for greasing soufflé dishes
100g caster sugar, plus extra for coating soufflé dishes
300g egg whites, from 9-10 eggs
¼ tsp cream of tartar
icing sugar, to serve

Combine cornflour, plain flour, 25ml of the milk and one egg yolk in a small bowl.
In a small saucepan, bring the remaining milk and instant espresso to the boil, stirring occasionally to make sure the coffee has dissolved and then remove from heat.
Whisk in the cornflour mixture, then return to the stove and cook over low hear, stirring constantly until the custard thickens.
In a separate bowl, stir together the sugar and the rest of the egg yolks, then add to the coffee custard in the pan and cook for another two minutes, whisking constantly.
Remove from heat and stir in the Marsala.
Strain through a fine sieve placed over a bowl.
Cover mixture with some plastic wrap and leave to cool.

Preheat the oven to 170°C.
Grease the soufflé dishes with butter and coat with caster sugar.
Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in a bowl and whisk until they form soft peaks.
Gradually add the sugar and continue whisking until they are stiff.
Place the soufflé base in a large bowl and using a large metal spoon, gently fold in half the egg whites, then fold in the other half.
Spoon the mixture into the soufflé dishes to fill them right to the tops and then level with a spatula.
Bake for 8-10 minutes until they are well risen.
Remove from oven and dust with icing sugar.


  1. Anonymous11:20 pm

    Very well written post. Love your recipes. I love to come back here, coz every time I leave with a sweet taste in my mouth!!Cheers!!Linda

  2. Anonymous12:12 am

    Hi Jenjen,

    I am drawn to your blog like a flower to the sun. It's raining here day after day and your pictures keep showing me what life could be like 'on the other side'. Dream on for the moment. And an interesting process that you wend through with your souffles. And the result is not bad at all! I think people only appear to be confident around a souffle recipe but internally they all sigh with relieve when they don't implode. And yum to the coffee and marsala combo.

  3. Anonymous1:19 am

    This is too coincidental! I too made my first souffle yesterday, AND it was a Grand Marnier Souffle as well. It was part of a 3 month culinary course that I'm taking to gain new skills :o) I definitely agree with you on the dessert. I'm of the mindset dessert should always come first in life :o) Your blog is great! Warm and best wishes for it in the future. Thank you for your amazing posts!

  4. Jenjen,

    Your souffles are wonderful - you sure know what you're doing here! ;)

    Thank you for sharing with us all those tips about the baking dishes.

  5. Anonymous3:15 am

    Hi Jen! Love you post! I've yet to have these 'thespians' grace my table, but I surely cannot deny them too much longer!

  6. Well done! Those look perfect!

  7. These look wonderful, no matter what mold you used! Airy and puffy. I bet they were delicious too!

  8. That's why I don't make souffles--they are such divas!

    Your gorgeous photos seriously tempt me though.

  9. Jen,
    They look much too beautiful to have been your first attempt - you're such a talented chef!

  10. Beautiful souffles!! Yes indeed.
    I did a Grand Marnier soufflé 30 years ago, it looked good, fell normally but it's the only thing I've ever made my husband didn't like.

  11. Anonymous12:22 pm

    this souffle looks like perfection. it's a mere whisper of a poof. i love it. definately a thesbian, i love all the bowls too. the silver are especially dramatic presentation. i attemped a butternut squash souffle once that tasted fine but lacked stature. poor thing !!

  12. Anonymous1:54 pm

    oh, you've made your own souffle! when will it be my turn?:(
    looks good to me jen! lovely photos as ever...

  13. what an inspirational post with great pictures. Thanks Jen!

  14. Anonymous6:21 pm

    What beautiful souffles! I too made my first souffle recently and was also tickled with the whole enterprise :) Your's though look much more fabulous! And all those molds and yummy inspiration!

  15. Anonymous8:06 pm

    Ohh So lovely! I really love your metal moulds! Your souffles are beautiful!

  16. Beautiful! I love the use of Dariol Moulds!

  17. Suddenly I want to make a soufle too! Or at least, reach into the computer screen and take a spoonful for myself. Helpful and insightful post - thanks : )

  18. Anonymous10:54 am

    What adorable little souffles Jenjen.

  19. Anonymous2:19 pm

    Those are gorgeous! I can't believe it was your first time... you look and sound like a pro!

  20. You should have made this for HHDD!

  21. Anonymous10:48 pm

    mmm yum, looks really tempting.

  22. Anonymous7:43 pm

    You should be proud of your first time souffle - it is something I simply cannot do!

  23. They look beautiful.....and tasty!

  24. Your sufflé is perfect... and your photos too.

  25. Anonymous1:44 pm

    your souffle looks absolutely perfect. well done. and thanks for the experiment with different types of mould. will have to invest in some dariole ones.

    I'm also lusting after some of those copper saucepans after a passionfruit souffle I had at Bennelong.

    oh and what do you think about Matt's book? have been thinking about investing
