Monday, December 04, 2006

Nothing To Show

tram melbourne

I spent a whole weekend down in what could be our version of the windy city for my 25th birthday. If you didn’t already know I was in unforgivingly breezy, yet picturesque Melbourne for the weekend and unfortunately all I have to show for it is this photo of a tram. Don't worry, we spent a lot of our time there eating although I was not able to adequately document it all, you'll see why.

So, I admit, do have a few shopping bags, a maxed-out credit card and an empty to wallet to show for it but that I don't want to talk about. It's a sore subject, especially when I don't get paid for another week (I spite whoever devised a monthly pay system at work).

What happened is that I decided to make my mum’s compact and more portable digital camera but being the oblivious packer that I am, I completely forgot to transfer my memory stick into the camera! So of course when we boarded the plane and I wanted to take my very first photo of the trip, the error message flashed “NO MEMORY CARD” Aaarggh! I didn’t think I could go a whole trip without taking photos, but my good friend E did let me use this random photo she took of a tram. Thanks E!

Banana Date Loaf

From my Melbourne trip I have nothing to show you although, from my kitchen last Friday I do have this beautifully moist Banana and Date Loaf that I made just before leaving for Melbourne. So enjoy a virtual slice of this loaf while I enjoy some sleep. Good night!

Banana and Date Loaf
From DH Magazine (Issue 29)
serves 6-8

Banana Date Loaf

125g unsalted butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1½ cups plain all-purpose flour, sifted
1 tsp baking powder, sifted
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
1½ cups mashed banana (about 2-3 bananas)
¼ cup maple syrup
1 cup chopped dates

Preheat oven to 160°C.
Place the butter and sugar in a bowl and beat until pale and creamy.
Gradually add the eggs and beat well.
Fold through the flour, baking powder, baking soda, nutmeg and cinnamon and stir well to combine.
Stir in the banana, maple syrup and dates.
Spoon the mixture into a 7x32cm lightly greased loaf tin lined with baking paper.
Bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer.
Allow to cool in the tin and slice to serve.

Banana Date Loaf Banana Date Loaf


  1. Anonymous11:52 pm

    Sorry to hear about the memory card - there's about 4 different camera stores on Elizabeth St where you could've bought a cheap replacement? Ah well, we live and we learn :)

    That loaf looks amazing, so moist and dense!

  2. I've copied down that recipe and will be making it shortly. I've had dates in my cupboard for a while and Mom keeps asking for something with them, this will be perfect, thanks!

  3. I'd like some walnutz in mine please!

  4. Anonymous5:09 am

    Hey Jen, hope you had a nice time in Melbourne. I had the same problem this summer with my camera...but no friends to help me! Well, I definitely want a piece of your loaf. I have some dates and bananas so I'm gonna make it as soon as I will have time for cooking (intensive evening of exams'reviews) and I may add some walnuts in it! Ok,have a good night and come soon with your photos of Melbourne!

  5. Oh I HATE THAT!!! I've done that before, been uploading pictures (my laptop has a slot for my card, so I take it out of the camera; a bit more annoying, maybe? but I'm used to it and the transfer rate is so much faster than via cable), and then I'll run out and forget to put the card back in. It's one of the most aggravating things ever. Ah well, you had a blissful and happy, relaxed birthday it sounds like, so it's all good. (Do you find that sometimes, because you're not so focused on taking pictures of everything, you're able to enjoy it more?)

  6. Anonymous9:04 am

    Mmm, that looks wonderful...dates and bananas...sounds yummy.

  7. I hope you had fantastic birthday and enjoyed Melbourne!

  8. Anonymous10:11 pm

    I haven't ever done that! Well, not more than...ummm well, let's don't count. It really is a major pain. But the bread looks beautiful and sounds like you'll remember the 25th. Happy Birthday.

  9. Glad you had a good time and happy to have you back!
    That loaf looks so moist and I know I'll have to make it over the weekend!

  10. Ellie- Oh if only I knew this earlier. Although once we got there it had pretty much slipped my mind. Oh well, i'll just have to come back for another trip don't I!

    Brilynn- Its deliciously moist, I'm sure your mum will love it. And if she doesn't, then I guess more for you!

    wheresmymind- I considered putting walnuts in it although a few people in the house don't like walnuts, including me. But by all means, I think walnuts go very well with bananas.

    Noemie- What a bummer! It's nice to have friends you can rely on for taking photograhs.

    Good luck on the exam reviews.

    YVO- Things slip my mind so easily I wasn't surprised I forgot it. And I agree, it was nice not having to remember to keep taking photographs as sometimes it can ruin the experience. Although it is still handy to have it.

    Peabody- Thanks, it certainly was delicious!

    Belinda- Thanks so much, I had an awesome time.

    Tanna- Thanks, even though I don't have photos, I'll never for get this birthday for sure!

    Helene- Although I had a blast in Melbourne, it's greta to be back : )

  11. Anonymous4:56 pm

    As someone in the original Windy City (Chicago), I'm always oddly pleased to remember that on your part of the planet, you're gearing up for summer as we head into winter. The other day, it was -17ºC here. Today it was a comparatively balmy -1ºC.

  12. Hi Jen,

    Happy belated birthday :). Pity about the memory card, I can think of nothing worse than going on a holiday without a card in the camera or uncharged batteries.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your trip down here. Seems like we all get a bit free with the credit card on holidays hehe. I know I do. :D
