Sunday, October 22, 2006

HHDD #6: Round 'em up!

Zuccini, Ham, Basil and Ricotta Fritters with Aioli
My Zucchini and Basil Ricotta Fritters with Aioli

Now, when the call was made for one and all to offer up their best in fritter recipes, I honestly did not expect such a large collection of entries. It's been said that "you don’t make friends with salad" but you have showed that you certainly make friends with fritters. With 26 entries in total (if you include mine), I made lots of new friends and there was no doubting the fact that F definitely stood for Fritter this month! I was almost delirious reading about all the exceptional fritter recipes that were submitted, and now it is my great pleasure to share with you the round up of how this whole fritter fiesta ensued.
First out of the blocks was Anna from Morsels and Musings in Sydney, Australia. She was over the moon when she managed to satisfy both herbivore and omnivore alike with her Zucchini Fritters. She also uses kefalotyri cheese in her fritters which makes for a very interesting flavour. Nice work Anna!

Next we have Barbara of Winos and Foodies, she is the godmother of Donna Day and showcases for us the best Corn Fritters she has ever made using Donna’s very own Corn Fritter recipe. Looking at her decadent submission, I couldn’t agree more. Thanks Barbara for initiating such a wonderful event.

We now have Kathryn of the wellbeing-conscious blog Limes & Lycopene. She provides us with a detailed photographic account how to put together Zucchini Fritters. She says that these fritters are a great way to fool any vegetable-loathing kid into eating their veggies. When you have kids, different ways of sneaking vegetables into food is an essential skill to have. Ensure that you are in the know, and check out her post.

Ellie the wonderful Kitchen Wench says “yes!” to fritters with these delectable Chilli Cannelllini and Corn Fritters. They are an exotic variation of a Korean fritter called ‘bin-dae-dok’. They apparently have a unique texture as a result from the pureed beans. These are a must-try!

All the way from Columbus, OH; Columbus Foodie Becke, offered up a sweet treat with these Nothin’ to Fret about Apple Fritters. With a name like that how could you pass up these scrumptious creations! This recipe is a resounding hit with any dessert lover.

Next up, Brilynn of Jumbo Empanadas brings some stylish Haddock Fritters to our little fritter jamboree. And what better way to make us drool, than to pair the fritters with some beautiful tzatziki. This is an elegant and luscious submission that would not have been possible without the help of her dad and Jamie “Oliver-ay”. Thanks!

Our next stop takes us closer to home in Melbourne, Australia. Anh takes us on a Food Lover’s Journey with some beautifully fried Prawn Fritters. One bite into these crunchy morsels and you will be in fritter fantasy-land. And although banana fritters would also have been great, these Prawn Fritters surely hit the spot.

Queen of mouth-watering photographs is Peabody of Culinary Concoctions by Peabody. She has graced us with her wonderful Mushroom Medley Fritters. Using an array of gorgeous fresh mushrooms such as chanterelles and criminis, paired with some Saffron Aioli, it's a combination to die for. And to think Peabody was not going to participate, we would have missed out on such a drool-worthy fritter. Thanks for frittering, even if you normally don't.

Sigrid whose blog, Il Cavoletto di Bruxelles hails all the way from the Eternal City, Rome, brings a superb entry showing off some of Italy's most recognised exports. Her outstanding photography not only does justice to her Prosciutto and Asiago Cheese Fritters with Balsamico Onions but also makes us envious of the beautiful produce available in Italy. Also make sure you wish her a belated Happy Birthday!

Back home in Sydney, Haalo who will Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once, never disappoints with a delectable contribution of Ricotta Fritters. She also puts an Italian spin on these ethereal and fluffy fritters and makes them irresistibly moreish. I've made something similar to these before and can vouch for their deliciousness. And I must warn you, she is right, you can't just stop at one.

Carolyn of Field to Feast from Zimbabwe shares with us a South-African inspired recipe for Pumpkin Fritters. She attributes her love of pumpkins to her stay in Australia that apparently spraked her passion and expanded her “pumpkin repertoire”. I’m so glad we Aussies showed you that pumpkins aren't just for jack-o-lanterns.

When Swee professed that she is A Self-Proclaimed Foodaholic, she didn't lie. Swee also doesn't hold back offering us thrice the fritter action with a Basic Corn and Carrot Fritter and then some Sweet Potato Fritters and finishes the trio off with a healthy Yellow Split Pea Fritter. She has showed us that she can definitely fritter, as we're spoilt for choice with Swee's entry and I'm glad she went that extra mile.

Lushlife of Not Just Desserts provides us with a slice of heaven with these Apple Fritters and Vanilla Ice-Cream. They are by no means a mere dessert, topped with Pariya rose petals and maple syrup, Lushlife shows us that fritters have never looked as pretty.

Back across the Tasman, the always exciting Bron of Bron Marshall never disappoints when she shares a fritter for the young and old alike. Her gorgeous Peter Rabbit Carrot Caraway Fritters reminds us that fritters are fun; be it for an outdoor picnic or a lazy Sunday afternoon, these fritters are sure to dazzle.

Ilingc from Melbourne, exclaims Feed Me! I'm Hungry! And ready to satiate her appetite were these awesome Malaysian Prawn Fritters. Like Ilingc I’d love nothing more than to take a bite into these little cakes of goodness. She claims that she misses her mother's version but I think her rendition would do her mum proud.

Were crossing over again to NZ, as Mary of La Tavola shares a sweet sensation through these Lemon Fritters. Like many of you, I am a great fan of lemons, so understandably these fritters would be a favourite hands down. I don't think a plateful would really be enough. With a dusting of icing sugar, it's blissful in every bite!

Caryn, all the way from the UK gives us an account in her Reality Bites Diary of an interesting and delicious creation with some Cider Fritters. Caryn makes use of apples during its peak season and what better way to use the freshest apples than to make these beautiful fritters.

Our previous Donna Day host Tami is not only Running with Tweezers in one hand but with Carrot Scallion Fritters in the other. She shows us that she hasn't lost her touch, and really Donna Day would not be the same without her. I'm sure her former fritter trepidations have been allayed with these sensational creations. Well done Tami!

Neil is our first and only male to enter Donna Day, so he deserves three cheers for braving these oestrogen-infested waters. Neil of Food for Thought has offered us the charmingly named Rat's Tail Fritters. It's a definite hit with the kids and I'm sure with a name like that it will pique many people's interest. The Rat's Tail alludes to the fritters’ shape and reassuringly does not contain any real rats. Thanks Neil, for adding a bit of boyish fun into the mix.

Stephanie is known for Dispensing Happiness and today happiness is found in a fritter. Herbed Beef Fritters in fact, served with a tomato-based fondue. Any frown can be turned upside down with this terrific recipe by Stephanie. So come on and get happy with these fritters!

Next is Anita, she is happily Married with Dinner in San Francisco and touts that she has frittered the day away making lovely Fried Green Tomatoes. Luckily, salvaging her bumper crop of green tomatoes has been a cinch when she decides to make them into fabulous fritters. They are a sizzling sensation and how could they not be, look at them! Anita shows us that green tomatoes are where it's at.

Linda of Kayak Soup gives us some of her Ham and Corn Fritters. Linda runs with Donna's existing Corn Fritter recipe and takes it to another dimension when she adds some ham into the mix. She combines two classic flavours for a double hit of excitement. These fritters can do no wrong and when paired with some sweet chilli sauce you have a definite hit on your hands.

Our beloved San Francisco blogger Sam of Becks and Posh shares with us some of her Purple Potato Fritters. She claims that these were the fritters from hell, as they were incredibly hellish to photograph but if you take a closer look they actually look very appetising. They might have been a nightmare for Sam to photograph, but she reassures that the flavour was nothing short of heavenly.

Were almost to the end of this fritter fiesta but it would not be complete without Littlem of Gustoso; she shows us some fritter love with these Heart-Shaped Corn Fritters. They make for an amazing Sunday morning breakfast, paired with some roasted tomatoes and crispy bacon. Now this is a great way to get me up in the morning!

And now as we come to the end of our fritter soiree, Jenni of Hoogie Woogie reminds us that nothing could be better than the classic Apple Fritter. The apple was certainly a popular choice for frittering and who could blame anyone. She gives us the most perfect recipe for fritters, and trust me it will not disappoint.

Now that we have finally come to the end of this fritter shindig, it has been a blast traveling through each blog and seeing what fritter you have come up with. Thanks for taking the time to show that F is definitely for Fritter. And now it is time for you to vote for your favourite fritter- think about it carefully and take your time, there are so many fritters for your perusal. You will have up until the 29th of October to decide who will be the triumphant fritterer for this Donna Day.

Email your votes to me at and I will tally up your votes and reveal the winner shortly after. Good Luck everyone!


  1. Anonymous5:52 pm

    wow, thats alot of fritters !! Good job in the round up Jen ;)

  2. Wow!! soooooo many fritters!!! (now I can definitely try out som other recipe :-) Great job Jenjen!!

  3. Beautiful roundup Jen, thank you so much!

  4. Anonymous12:51 am

    The round up looks wonderful! So many entries - FABULOUS entries, at that - to go through. Thanks for hosting :)

  5. Anonymous2:17 am

    Nice fritters and round-up jenjen... I'll be diplomatic and say they all deserve a vote!

  6. Anonymous9:08 am

    Wow, what a fantastic group of entries JenJen. Lots of new blogs to discover.... and fritters to fry. I'm so relieved you referred to me as the Godmother and not the Grandmother. (Although I would love to be a Grandmother...and I do have two single gorgeous sons if anyone is interested!!) Great round up and I look forward to visiting all the entries through the coming week.

  7. Anonymous9:14 am

    Fantastic round-up, and well done for putting all these entries together :) Looks like there's enough goodness here to keep any fritter lover in fritter heaven!

  8. Anonymous9:28 am

    I'm in fritter heaven!

  9. Wow, the only fella amongst all these wonderful ladies...I feel honoured, hope no-one minds me being here! Great roundup, that was a lot of work, you must be a little puffed out. Thanks for your kind words.

  10. Anonymous11:35 am

    Lovely round-up Jenjen - so many beautiful entries.

  11. Sorry I couldn't participate this time. Nice job on the round-up!

  12. I'm impressed too by the amount of entries, frittering definately inspired so many! It will be quite the challenge I think. Thanks for the lovely intro to my effort.

  13. Anonymous9:15 am

    oh, i've just missed this event! i have a frittata contibution!

  14. Hey a fritter fiesta! Great job with the round up Jen :)

  15. Anonymous1:07 am

    What a great round up! I'm so sorry I missed this round again :( But I'll be on the lookout for the next one! :)

  16. Thanks everyone... you are all too kind.

    Voting closes on the 29th of October and I will anounce the winner on the 30th!

    Can't wait!
