Monday, September 04, 2006

It's Spring here but...


The moment I begin to hasten the advent of spring, I start to miss all the things I really do love about winter; that is winter’s harvest. Isn’t it ironic? Just call me the girl who cried spring. I think I wished away winter all too prematurely; temperatures here in Sydney have been soaring well above average. I wanted it to get warmer although, not this quickly. I wanted to ease my way into the warmer clime but what has come is a tidal wave of heat instead. I have learned that when spring arrives it makes a grand entrance. The instant that calendar turned over to the first of this month spring arrived with bells on and an increasing entourage of high temperatures and sunshine.

Don’t get me wrong, the promptness of spring’s entrance is great, and I am meeting it with joyous anticipation, however I will surprisingly miss winter. As one who is besotted over citrus, I will emphatically miss the presence of beautiful, fresh juicy navel oranges, rosey reds, ruby grapefruits, mandarins, tangelos and kumquats. As the market shelves are being restocked with new season fruits and vegetables I am already pining for the vibrant orange and yellow hues that once colourfully painted the winter markets. Winter’s departure will be mourned.

Tangelo Pudding

The only way I see fit to lament the passing of winter is to bake her something breathtaking, using her crop. And although it might be a little late in coming, I thought this would be the perfect entry for La Festa al Fresco. My favourite Cream Puff has commissioned fellow food bloggers to help her and Lis of La Mia Cucina to create something for an al fresco banquet. She also suggested using the freshest produce summer has to offer. I know it's neither summer nor winter down here, but I am gatecrashing this event with fresh produce that the past winter has offered me. I hope they don’t mind.

So as a parting gift to Madame Winter I thought I would create a dish that would do her proud, Tangelo Pudding. The fruit's name alone has a delicate and graceful ring to it. Tangelo. Sounds like it could be a heavenly cherub's name. I have always longed to bake with this fruit although, as its flavour isn't quite as robust as say oranges and lemons, it required the perfect recipe to bring out its subtle flavour. This I guarantee is the perfect recipe for tangelo. And as lofty as this proclamation might sound, try it for yourself and find out.

Tangelo Pudding

These photos are terribly lacklustre, as these were hastily taken very late in the day, after work, but nevertheless its taste did not disappoint. The batter looks smells and tastes uninspiring although I assure you this is just a front; in the oven is where all the magic happens. About halfway through baking the aroma of butter, citrus and sugar mingle together and begin to saturate the air. An invisible veil of citrus fragrance hangs over the kitchen even after baking. Without reservation, I would make these puddings repeatedly for its aromatic pleasure alone.

The puddings smell fantastic, but what about the taste I hear you ask? Well let’s just say it is no phony, the pudding tastes just as good as it smells, I would even say better. What happens after baking is that a soft airy crust forms on top while lurking beneath it is a moist orange, gooey centre. The best way to eat this pudding is to simply scoop it straight out of the pudding moulds or ramekins while still warm. The perfect spoonful is a combination of the spongy crust and moist filling. Texturally it is a pleasure to eat, and without doubt induces a sensory overload.

Tangelo Pudding
(makes 6-8 individual puddings)
a Jackie French

Tangelo Pudding

2 half cups of caster sugar
2 tbsp butter, melted
3 eggs, separated
2 tsp grated tangelo zest
1/3 cup tangelo juice
½ cup self raising flour
1 cup milk

Preheat oven to 200°C.
Prepare a large, deep baking dish or alternatively 6-8 small pudding moulds or ramekins, by lightly greasing the insides.
Beat egg yolks and half cup of sugar until light and fluffy.
Add tangelo zest, butter and flour, mix. Then add
juice and milk.
In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form, slowly add remaining half cup of sugar and whip until egg whites turn glossy.
Combine egg whites to tangelo mixture.
Pour into prepared mould(s) and place into a water bath.
Bake in oven for 50 minutes (large) or 30 minutes (small).

Puddings are done, once a brown crust forms on the top, although should not be burnt.

Citrus fruit

miss you already!


  1. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Looks fantastic, and whilst I'll also miss the brilliant citrus goodies that winter has given us, I can't wait till mangos/cherries/watermelon/white nectarines/apricots etc etc are back in season and bursting with freshness :D

  2. Hey jenjen,
    That looks great! Perfect for the sort of cold weather we're having down in Melbourne the last few days.
    I've always wondered what tangelo tastes like. Hmm..might have to scout around for some. The ravioli looks scrumptious too!

  3. I think you could use some cream or some other fun topping on top of that yummy dish :)

  4. Nothing, nothing wrong with your pictures. I am glad I was invited too, I'll start with dessert please!

  5. Anonymous6:37 am

    I don't think these photos are lacklustre at all! I think they're fantastic and this dessert is just too much Jenjen. Every time I come here I'm always so happy that I found your blog. You're talented and warm and a pleasure!

    Thank you for making it to the festa!

  6. Jenjen this is going to the top of my "to try" list. And I think your photos are gorgeous! I can't wait to smell these baking in my own kitchen. I wouldn't change or add anything about them!

    Thank you so much for bringing them to the Festa!

  7. Anonymous1:59 pm

    There are some items that are challenging to photograph but you did a great job. Brilliant idea to use tangelos! Looks very very good to me and my belly!

  8. Anonymous3:24 pm

    That looks super yummy. I can't imagine that spring is here....I'm dying for the Fall to come!

  9. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Tangelo - who would have thought. I really like the looks of this. Beautiful photos - nothing wrong there.
    Enjoy your writing - don't be fooled, the magic is in the oven!

  10. Anonymous10:21 pm

    Hi Jen, this looks absolutely decadent! A warm ray of sun!

  11. It's so funny, I'm not a tangelo eater but now I want to eat it. I'm looking forward to different fruit being in season!

  12. Anonymous11:00 pm

    I've never heard of tangelo before. Before i anticipatedly scrolled all the way down did i only realise its related to oranges [well, at least it looks like].

    Hmmm, with that in mind, i so hope the the markets here sells them or there will be trouble. I will tag this to my

    Thanks for the recipe.

  13. Ellie- yes, me too. Can't wait for asparagus and strawberries!

    ilingc- thanks, I am pretty sure you will find them at a good greengrocer, or at an organic food shop. I found mine at Macro Wholefoods, which I understand is also in Melb as well.

    wheresmymind- definitely.... after I took photographs I found some thick double cream in the fridge and proceeded to pig out on the puddings.
    I won't go into how much I actually ate, it;s too scary!

    Monisha- thanks, I like the sound of that..."a spoonful of sunshine"!

    Baking soda- thank you, that is very kind.
    As much as I enjoyed the virtual feast, I do wish it was the real thing. Everyone's entries were superb and I wihed I could sample them all for real!

    Ivonne- thanks for hosting such a wonderful event. And thanks for your lovely encouraging words!

    Lis- thanks for also hosting this great event, too bad it's just a once off.
    Definitely give these ago and yes I would not change the recipe at all, it's basically flawless.

    Helen- thanks, it was definitely hard to photograoh as the colours were quite flat and there was hardly any natural light left in my "studio" at 5:30 in the afternoon.

    Peabody- this whole year has flown by so quickly. I can't wait to see all the Fall recipes on your blog.

    Tanna- thank you so much for your encouragement!

    Gilly- yes they are a warm ray of sunshine! You will love the sunny colour that comes out of the oven with these puddings.

    Belinda- I admit, although I was a citrus fanatic, I did not eat many tangelos. I just saw them as glorified mandarins, but I was proved wrong this time : )

    Mae- tangelos are great, they taste somewhat like mandarins- very sweet and very juicy. They also smell less citrusy as oranges and lemons.
    Good Luck in finding them!

  14. Asparagus and strawberries are here! they're in my lunch box today actually.

    Macro it is, I will definitely drop by Macro tonight on the way home thanks for the tip!

  15. Anonymous10:04 pm

    You are absolutely right. (All) seasons are much too short to cherish all their bounties. And I am especially with you when it comes to citrus. I always freeze a batch of finely coarsed (unwaxed, available only in winter) orange zest mixed up with super fine baking sugar. Can't live without orange zest for a whole summer time... Happy Spring to You !

  16. Anonymous11:31 pm

    hey.. i've replied ur mail :) we should meet up someday eh.. your photos are great!!

  17. Anonymous2:10 am

    ohdear, tangelo pudding! yum, YUM. this just the sort of thing i flip over, such a creative idea too, i love it :)

  18. Wow! NICE... I would like to have one... it looks so good!

  19. you're right that tangelos have a subtle flavour. they're quite interesting little citrus treats.

    and if you feel like toasting the warm spring weather, haalo has a great recipe for a tangelo caprioska.

  20. Anonymous12:51 pm

    I am a big fan of this type of dessert. Tangelo is such a great idea. It sounds so refreshing!
